I'm back at Santa Clara University at Ethics Camp. Truly pathetic that I've posted only once since the last Ethics Camp. Today we were asked to think about what effort we could make to change something in our lives. I'm resolving to put more effort into blogging.
Of course, this might just be me maintaining the Rainbow blog, which I also haven't been doing. In my defense, Michael spends a lot of time in our computer playing poker, so I really can't be blamed. And work blocks blogspot, so that's another way I can't waste time there.

But today was a good day, professionally. I just presented some of my brilliant teaching ideas to alternative ed teachers from all over the state. Although they had a plethora of reasons why they couldn't possibly do what I do (none of them, oddly enough, an honest "I'm too lazy") they were deeply impressed by my stunning classroom activities. This is my favorite. It's an illustrated word wall in the shape of a flag. Obviously. I won't bore all of you with the the teacher-y reasons one must have a word wall as part of one's teaching strategy. I just think it looks cool. :)
Negative people are irritating. I love ethics camp. It's re-energizing and enlightening and soothing. It's a chance to get away from the classroom for a week and be with other professionals who care about students. However, there's always a group of people who are forced to come, and choose to see the week as an assignment rather than a privilege. Why can't they just sit back and enjoy themselves? Why must they criticize and spew their negative attitudes over everyone? They're bringing me down.
WOAH. What are all these new words doing here?!?
I totally understand how frustrating all that negativity is. I hate when I get into a PD session and there's Mr. and or Ms Negativity sitting in the back. C'mon people, you're getting paid to be there... and you get an hour lunch! Hellooooo?
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